Journey to Long Nose
Available at in December 2024!
When a ten-year-old boy at the PTA Christmas party in a small rural Ohio town asks, "Why is your nose so big?", R.R.Pollock decides the answer is complicated. She needs to write a book, then when her family keeps changing its story, a memoir.
Interspersing DNA genealogy records, family myth, fairytales, poetry, New Testament scripture, and multiple Chapter Fives, Pollock unlocks a postmodern meta-verse that taps into her own changing family origin stories and collective versus individual cultural identity in America.
Where are you from really?
Accidentally historically accurate, the Nose that became a show that became a book.
Creative non-fiction at its finest, Pollock’s memoir, “Journey to Long Nose: an American Identity Outing” embraces the idea that when the world around you changes too quickly to keep track, you can get lost in the shuffle, or view your life as a wild romp and share the ride.